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Creating a folder

Adding Items to a folder

Deleting exercise(s) from a folder

Deleting a folder

Note:  It may be useful to organize the items in your libraries in folders for easy access. Creating, organizing, and deleting folders for exercises, workouts, and programs follow the same steps (except step 1). In this tutorial, we'll be showing how to create, organize and delete Exercise folders. The steps are the same for workouts and programs.

Creating a Folder

  • From your Dashboard, click Exercises. (If you're creating a workout or program folder, click Workouts or Programs, respectively.)

  • Next, you will be directed to your Exercise List page. At the top-right corner of the page, you will see an Add Folder button. Click it.

  • An Add Folder box will then pop up. Type your folder name in the box and click Add Folder (in this case, we're adding a "Calisthenics" folder).

  • A dialog box will pop up, confirming the creation of your folder.

Adding Items to a Folder

  • From your Exercise List page, click the exercise folder where you want to add exercises (in this case, we're adding exercises to the "Calisthenics" folder).

  • From your folder overview page, you can see a search bar. Click the search bar.

  • Upon clicking the search bar, your list of exercises will then appear. To copy a single exercise to a folder, click the Duplicate to this Folder button beside the exercise name (in this case, we’re adding Squat Jumps to the Calisthenics folder).

  • After clicking the button, the exercise will appear on the folder overview page and a confirmation message will appear on the top-right corner of the page.

  • Additionally, you can also add exercises from your Exercise Library by checking the items you want to add to a folder. You can click as many as you need (in this case, we're adding 3 exercises to a folder).

  • Then, click the Move To button on the top-right corner of the page.

  • Then a list of your exercise folders will pop-up. Click the folder where you want to transfer the exercises you previously ticked (in this case, we're adding 3 exercises to the "Calisthenics" folder).


Deleting Exercise(s) from a Folder

Note: deleting exercises from your folder will not remove them from any workouts that contain them. If  workout or program templates are deleted, they will not be removed from any clients to whom they have been assigned.

  • Click the folder name (in this case, we're deleting exercises from the Calisthenics folder).

  • Next, you will be directed to your Exercise Folder Overview page, where you can see all the exercises included in that folder. Check the ones you want to delete (iIn this case, we're deleting the exercises "Bodyweight Pullup" and "Pike Pushup" from the folder).

  • Next, click the trash bin icon at the top-right corner of the page. 

  • Then, a box will pop up, asking if you really want to delete the item(s). Click Delete.

Deleting a Folder

  • You can delete folders the same way that you delete other items.

  • From your Exercise List page, check the box beside the folder that you want to delete. Then, a trash bin icon will appear at the top-right corner of the page. Click it.

  • Next, a box will pop up asking for your confirmation. Click Delete.

  • You will be directed back to your Exercise List page and a dialog box will pop up at the top-right corner of the page, confirming the deletion of your folder.