• To signup for Training App by GymCloud as a client, you'll first need an invitation from your trainer.
  • Your trainer will invite you from the app, and you will receive an invitation email within a few minutes. The subject will be, "Online personal training invitation from {your trainer}".

  • Check your inbox and tap the confirmation link in the body of your invitation email.
  • When you're taken to the confirmation screen, you will set a password, agree to the Terms, and confirm your choices.
  • If you're on your computer, you will fill out your profile information and continue to the web application. If on a mobile device, you will be prompted to download the mobile app from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Once you download the mobile app, you can log in with your account info, fill out your profile fields, and continue to the app.
  • You should then receive a welcome email with links to the help center and our support email, in case you have questions or feedback.